Day 15: Buzz, buzz, a light activated alarm

9:09 PM     Xun     0 Comments

Day 15: Buzz, buzz, a light activated alarm

Arduino is really where my heart is, at least that is what I intended to get good at. One year ago, near some Christmas holiday, I suddenly caught the Arduino bug after some co-worker rattled about kick-starters, IoT (internet of things), arduino controlled medical services. I bought an arduino uno, car chasis, motor shield, and a bucket full of...

Day 14: A brutal work day ... nothing

5:47 PM     Xun     0 Comments

Day 14: A brutal work day ... nothing

Staggered into day 14. And I did nothing to meet my daily challenge. Worked all the way till evening. Attended Yung's showcase. Came home, finished remaining work. So that was that....

Day 13: Firefly LED light jar

10:47 PM     Xun     0 Comments

Day 13: Firefly LED light jar

Tonight, I followed the instructions of fire fly Jar, Arduino at Instructables and made a fire fly jar of my own. The result is the following: I could not be happier. ...

Day 12: A light house made on, hmm, Saturday

9:54 PM     Xun     0 Comments

Day 12: A light house made on, hmm, Saturday

Day 12 - Monday Monday, the first day-light-savings Monday,  hard to wake Monday, a lot of work Monday. By the time I finished my work, it was late in the evening. Not sure what to do, I went on Khan Academy and took some electronic engineering lessons, then browsed wide-eyed the projects on instructables. However, Yung has somehow caught...

Day 11: Can I take a break?

10:18 PM     Xun     0 Comments

Day 11: Can I take a break?

Day 11 - Sunday The previous week, I purchased a variety of things for DIY terrarium: DIY kit, sea shells, river stones, glass jars and pots, moss, potting soil, and so on. Yesterday, my collection of plants (13 in total)  finally made their way to my dinning table. So Sunday the kids and I spent most of the day...

Day 10: A light house and a bug light

10:04 PM     Xun     0 Comments

Day 10: A light house and a bug light

Day 10 - Saturday. Saturday night, I summoned up my courage to tackle the very intimidating problem of adding a light switch. The previous day I have 5 rocker light switches arrived. As a matter of fact, my house has become a steady stop of delivery men and women. My supply of electronic parts with all beautiful names such...

Day 9: A resistor tube man and a refrigerator robot

9:39 PM     Xun     0 Comments

Day 9: A resistor tube man and a refrigerator robot

Friday, I continued my easy way with electronics. I was frustrated with my forever lacking of parts, or parts go missing, and my forever unstable connections that leave my final products (can I even call them so?) unstable. In the meanwhile, I developed eyes for discarded toys sitting in the basement, old electronic devices are now treasures to be...